Wednesday, 31 July 2013

WATCH_DOGS : Review, Graphics, Missions, Storyline, Pricing And Everything !

The Main Event Of Ubisoft Conference and one of the most awaited game of the year, Watch Dogs or WATCH_DOGS is confirmed to come out at 19 November, 2013 in USA And 22 November, 2013 in Europe. This game is undoubtedly one of the Top 5 game of 2013, Why ? Lets Find Out :

Next Gen Graphics :

Yes, I Can Put My Hand's In My Pocket, Also Talk To Anybody !

Ubisoft always publicized this game as being the first truly Next-Gen Game, And as the trailers and screen shots shows, The graphics are very realistic and intractable, From Hero's Clothes To the Dustbin, Everything is interactive. Also you can "Hack" Peoples standing in the nearby and steal data from them. Even The Hero's Facial Expression looks alive, He Smiles, Grins And displays every facial expression he can possibly do !

Every-time, Everything Is New :

Noting Is Static, Everything Changes !

Remember GTA Games, As much as we love playing it, we get bored of same frames playing over and over again. But in Watch Dogs, Ubisoft has made everything original, There are so many uniquely-rendered people, occupying diverse and far-reaching environments. Every Person in game wears different clothes, Every wall has different texture and every corner has new vehicles. This is one of the main reason we believe the game is next-gen.

Light Reflection And Dynamic Lightning :

1 : News Reporter In Dark. 2 : News Reporter in Flashlight. 3 : Adrian Jacket Reflecting Light !

As seen in Some GTA's and Assassins Creed, The lightning reflection rate is amazing, even small bit of light is reflected back,  And when we talk about light reflection, Shadow Details comes second, And every single 3D-rendered leaf casts its own shadow on the floor, perfectly diffused around its edges, with its corners perfectly lined up. That kind of Light Rendering is never seen before and must require one hell of a rig to run it in full quality.

Something New In Story-Line : 

A Hacker World !

Our Hero, A vigilante named Aiden Pearce, Is A Full Fledged Hacker, He is able to hack any device connected to City's central operating system (ctOS). He can listen to private phone calls ( NSA ? ), Hack Bank Accounts, Control Traffic Lights and Cause Collisions, And one of the best thing is "augmented reality feeds", Which provides the player with information on demographics, health and potential behavior, So you can easily know who is terrorist and who is civilian.

Mission That Will Give You A Rush :

Featuring "Bullet Time", A Slo-Mo In Game Camera !

Watch Dogs has the best mission pack ever, Why ? Because they are Creatively Thought, Have Amazing Graphic Details, Shooting Feel Is Awesome and much more. For example, Take "Bullet Time", Our Hero slowed down time to take a few targets out in the car accident in rainy season, you can see the rain drops literally slow down, revealing multiple particles per raindrop. These drops weren't redrawn. They really were slowed down to show that these globular, transparent, flowing particles surrounded the character at all times, just not slow enough for the player to appreciate.

Various Distributions :

Watch Dogs Is Planned To Come In Various Distributions :

Click On The Pic For Full Size. Courtesy Of Wikipedia !

System Requirements :

Minimal system requirements :
  • 2.66 GHz Intel Core2 Duo E6700 or 3.00 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
  • 2gb of RAM
  • 512 MB DirectX 10 GC (8800GT)
  • DirectX : DX10.

Recommended system requirements :
  • 3.4 quad core processor (I7/Bulldozer)
  • 8gb of RAM
  • GTX 680/Radeon 7970

Optimal requirements (for resolutions above 1080p and 60fps with MSAA/TXAA ):
  • AMD FX8360/I7 3960
  • GTX Titan/Radeon 8970
  • 12gb of RAM
 The official requirements may vary a little bit !

Pricing,Release Date And Availability :

Watch Dogs Will be released in 31st December but You Can Prebook It Now on Amazon and other sites for 60 USD. It is available on every major console including PS3,PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One And PC. But we think PS3 would have a little bit of problem ( aka LAG) in playing games.

Trailers :


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